The mortgage company needs to pay me, right?

In today’s construction economy, unpaid subcontractors and suppliers with mechanic’s lien claims often receive notice that the first mortgage holder is foreclosing on the property. The natural question and assumption by the mechanic’s lien holders is “the mortgage company still needs to pay me, right?” Unfortunately, the answer to this question is usually “wrong.” If […]

Comfort animals: What are they and how should associations deal with them?

The Federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) prohibit discrimination against some protected classes, such as disabled individuals. Normally, a residential housing provider is required to make reasonable accommodations in its policies, procedures and practices to afford a disabled individual with an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. […]

Rules and regulations – adopt and enforce, as a rule

Associations often under-utilize Rules and Regulations. Rules and Regulations are specific guidelines and policies relating to the day to day operation of an Association. Unlike other Association governing documents, Rules are generally easy to adopt and modify because they are typically adopted and amended by the board of directors without member input or approval. Home […]

Board Communications – An Update

In a previous article, we discussed use of electronic communications to conduct business of associations governed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 515B, the Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act (MCIOA). (See our Spring 2008 newsletter.) As that article indicated, boards acting on behalf of associations governed by MCIOA are required to have open board meetings except when […]