Federal Government to Increase Oversight of Immigration Compliance by US Business

The Trump Administration has promised to make immigration control a top priority.  Immigration control was among the most prominent issues to the Presidential campaign.  While new laws may make their way through Congress and will take time to be enacted and implemented, the federal government already has several statutes to use to control immigration, including […]

How Federal Wage and Hour Law Is Used to Deter Illegal Immigration

Every business and employer must carefully classify its workers as employees or independent contractors to avoid problems with multiple federal laws.  The United States Department of Labor is empowered to investigate instances where employers misclassify workers as independent contractors to avoid federal wage and hour law.  Legal and illegal immigrants can sue employers who misclassify […]

Immigration Enforcement Under the Immigration Reform and Control Act

The federal government can, and does, impose penalties on businesses and employers who hire illegal aliens.  These penalties can be severe.  On December 29, 2016, the government filed a Final Decision and Order levying a $58,950 fine against a business for 107 violations I-9 compliance requirements.  The original complaint against the business had sought a […]