Hellmuth & Johnson Receives Preliminary Approval for a $4.25 Million Common Fund Class Action Settlement with Nautilus, Inc.

On November 16, 2021, United States District Judge Edmund Sargus granted preliminary approval of a class action settlement brought on behalf of certain treadmill purchasers alleging that Nautilus utilized misleading inflated continuous horsepower (CHP) representations in conjunction with the sale and/or marketing of certain Nautilus, Bowflex, and Schwinn brand treadmills.

The preliminary approved settlement includes three settlement benefits for the class: (1) $4,250,000.00 non-reversionary common fund; (2) one-year subscription to Bowflex’s JRNY fitness app (valued at $150.00 per user per year); and (3) injunctive relief in the form of Nautilus agreeing to stop using the CHP representations in conjunction with the sale and/or marketing of its treadmills and/or include language clarifying the use of any horsepower representations in the future.

The Court appointed Plaintiff Robert Walker, as the class representative, and approved Nate Prosser of Hellmuth & Johnson, Bill Markovits, Terry Coates, and Justin Walker of Markovits, Stock & DeMarco, LLC and Bryan Bleichner and Jeff Bores of Chestnut Cambronne as Class Counsel for the plaintiff and class.

If you are a class member you may be able to submit a claim for class benefits. For more information visit www.nautilustreadmillsettlement.com.

Walker v. Nautilus, Inc., No. 2:20-cv-3414 (S.D. Ohio)

Media Contact

Sarah Delaney
Director of Marketing
[email protected]

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