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MNGI Digestive Health (“MNGI”), a company headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, recently provided data breach notice letters, dated July 15, 2024, to its patients confirming it suffered a data breach of its digital environment, in which an unauthorized third-party cybercriminal gained access to approximately 765,000 patients’ sensitive personal information on its...

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Summer in Minnesota just screams barbeques, pool parties and, of course, National Night Out/Night to Unit gatherings. For some, such events are shared with a few friends, For others, they are shared with the entire neighborhood. Regardless, everyone wants to be a good host. But what does that mean when...

The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 26 decision in Loper Bright Enterprises has significant ramifications for administrative law, specifically by overturning the Chevron-deference doctrine. Chevron deference, established by the 1984 case of the same name, directed courts to defer to agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes that the agency administers—as long as...