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– Legal Insights –

If you’re considering filing a lawsuit in Minnesota, a critical question to ask is whether you can recover attorney’s fees as part of your case. The answer largely depends on the type of claim you bring, the agreements between parties, and specific Minnesota laws. Let’s explore when attorney’s fees might...

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The recently passed cannabis omnibus bill incorporated major changes to the laws around recreational cannabis licensing, but it also included significant changes to the law currently regulating the current low-dose, hemp-derived products (Minn. Stat. 151.72 ). Here are three major changes that go into effect io July 1, 2024: The...

When it comes to federal taxes, most people are very aware of the federal income tax because, if they earn a paycheck, they cannot help but notice the deductions each pay period. But there are lesser-known taxes such as the capital gains tax (a form of income tax), the estate...

Estate planning can be a significant part of successful financial management, especially for married couples. One key consideration is minimizing estate taxes, which can substantially affect the distribution of money and property to a married couple’s loved ones. What Are Gift and Estate Taxes? In 2024, a $13.61 million federal...

In what area of law do you practice and why did you choose this? Litigation. I honestly never sought out litigation per se. It was a competitive outlet and I think I naturally gravitated towards litigation. What did you want to be when you grew up? A marine biologist. My...

At the beginning of this year, a host of new laws regarding residential landlords and tenants became effective. Most landlords, whether managing a single apartment, a duplex, or multiple apartment buildings, likely heard about this. These new laws affect a number of areas, including the eviction process. This post is...