Thought Leadership

– Legal Insights –

For many business owners, their business is one of the most valuable and important things they own. When it is time to sit down and create an estate plan, it is critical that business owners plan for their business just as they would plan for their home or finances. Effective...

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Whether a contractor enters into a direct agreement with a customer or is acting as a subcontractor and is required to sign a subcontractor agreement, the document will most likely contain a dispute resolution clause. The clause might simply state where disputes will be heard (i.e. “all disputes and claims...

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In the absence of a tornado, flood, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, or other “Act of God,” and without a specific contract provision on point, the contractor bears the risk of delays and additional costs associated with adverse weather. Even in the unlikely event of an Act of God, the contractor will...

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Community Associations Beware: Minnesota law requires replacement cost insurance rather than actual cash value coverage Recently, one of our clients informed us that certain insurers were selling and providing actual cash value policies to Minnesota community associations; the client questioned whether such policies complied with Minnesota law. Minnesota law requires...

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For many associations, the Board of Directors’ biggest issue is not collecting assessments, establishing budgets or even dealing with insurance claims…it’s dealing with difficult homeowners. Even the most even-tempered folks have “hot buttons,” and dealing with the emotions entwined in ownership of one’s home can push those buttons and create...

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Some insurance companies are telling Minnesota property owners and their contractors that insurers do not have to pay overhead and profit under Minnesota law. There is no such law. Some insurance companies say they have what amounts to an unwritten policy to not pay overhead and profit. Unwritten policies do...

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An interim ordinance was proposed and adopted by the Minneapolis City Council on March 7, 2014 that puts a halt to the demolition or new construction of single and two-family homes in the Linden Hills, Fulton, Armatage, Kenny and Lynnhurst neighborhoods of Minneapolis. This interim ordinance is effective immediately and...