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– Legal Insights –

For many business owners, their business is one of the most valuable and important things they own. When it is time to sit down and create an estate plan, it is critical that business owners plan for their business just as they would plan for their home or finances. Effective...

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Recently there have been some significant changes to the Landlord/Tenant statute that was enacted at the end of May. As a courtesy to our clients and friends of the firm, we wanted to be sure you knew about these. Below are some of the highlights. Retaining abandoned personal property(504B.271). For...

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Persons involved in the construction industry or with real estate in Minnesota should take note of the following legislative changes to the law, which take effect August 1, 2009. Statutory Implied Warranties Have Become Mandatory Expressed Warranties.The statutory warranties for new construction and remodeling stated in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 327A...

Dear Friends, Clients and Colleagues: I am extremely pleased to have been honored as one of the “40 Under Forty” by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal for 2009. This award is especially meaningful because it reinforces the importance of leadership, entrepreneurial vision, and creativity. It’s every company’s goal. It’s an...

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Overview of Rules and Regulations. One of the most important issues facing Minnesota community associations is rules and regulations policy and enforcement. Community associations offer their homeowners a unique and desirable neighborhood in which to live. Homeowners choose a community association based on appearance, lifestyle, amenities and maintenance convenience. By...

In today’s construction economy, unpaid subcontractors and suppliers with mechanic’s lien claims often receive notice that the first mortgage holder is foreclosing on the property. The natural question and assumption by the mechanic’s lien holders is “the mortgage company still needs to pay me, right?” Unfortunately, the answer to this...

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In a previous article, we discussed use of electronic communications to conduct business of associations governed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 515B, the Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act (MCIOA). (See our Spring 2008 newsletter.) As that article indicated, boards acting on behalf of associations governed by MCIOA are required to have...

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Over the last decade, the use of e-mail communications has increased dramatically. Today, association board members frequently use e-mail to communicate with each other, the association’s manager, attorney and vendors. Sometimes, board members’ discussion on a topic essentially takes place via an exchange of e-mails, and, when a topic comes...