Thought Leadership

– Legal Insights –

For many business owners, their business is one of the most valuable and important things they own. When it is time to sit down and create an estate plan, it is critical that business owners plan for their business just as they would plan for their home or finances. Effective...

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This workshop will serve as an introduction to various techniques and tools used in creating an effective Estate Plan such as Revocable Living Trusts, Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Health Care Directives. This workshop will cover: “The Basics of All Estate Plans” Explains: Revocable Living Trusts, Wills, Powers of Attorney,...

In what area of law do you practice and why did you choose this? Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Administration, Real Estate, Landlord/Tenant, and legal counsel for small businesses. I have found these areas are relevant to most people’s every day lives. What did you want to be when you...