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– Legal Insights –

For many business owners, their business is one of the most valuable and important things they own. When it is time to sit down and create an estate plan, it is critical that business owners plan for their business just as they would plan for their home or finances. Effective...

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In what area of law do you practice and why did you choose this? M&A / Business corporate law. I chose this because I found that it was a great mix of things I was already good at, as well as gave me the opportunity to learn how to help...

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In the early morning hours of June 24, 2021, the now infamous Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, FL, collapsed, killing 98 people. Investigations revealed construction defects, long-term water infiltration and years of deferred maintenance. The natural question in the aftermath of such a tragedy is, “What can we do...

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When did you decide you wanted to be a lawyer? I was most inspired by Denzel Washington’s portrayal of Joe Miller in the film Philadelphia. His eloquence and genuine care for his clients were qualities that I aspired to having as a lawyer. What would you be doing if you...

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The holidays are always a special time spent with family and friends. Busy, exciting, and … fraught with legal issues? What do you do if you have a parenting time issue over the holidays in your dissolution or post-decree matter? The starting point is your Judgment and Decree or current...

Ms. Jane Accounting, Hellmuth & Johnson, and Blunt Strategies have collaborated to bring you the Cannabusiness Growth Series — three free webinars to round out the final quarter of 2021, aimed at helping your start or expand your cannabusiness with help of cannabis industry experts. Each session will tackle two...