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– Legal Insights –

For many business owners, their business is one of the most valuable and important things they own. When it is time to sit down and create an estate plan, it is critical that business owners plan for their business just as they would plan for their home or finances. Effective...

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On June 3, 2020, the Minnesota Supreme Court in Kenneh v. Homeward Bound, Inc., affirmed the “severe or pervasive” standard, which employees must establish in workplace harassment or hostile work environment cases under the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA). This standard has been used and applied in Minnesota under the...

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On June 5, 2020, Governor Walz issued Executive Order 20-74, which outlined parameters regarding the gradual re-opening of various facilities, including pools and fitness centers. This post updates my prior post on the topic. Under Order 20-74, all pools and fitness centers may open, but only in accordance with the...

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A complimentary replay of the Hellmuth & Johnson Homeowners Association Spring Seminar is available for download. Topics for this spring webinar include information about: Assistance Animals Collections And a Lighting Round including issues related current hot topics such as Smoking, Political Signs/Campaigning, Books and Records The speakers for this webinar...

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As we continue to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 virus on our daily routines, we must consider what those routines might look like in the coming weeks and months. For many residents of homeowners associations, that daily routine might include use of various amenities in the community. Since...