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– Legal Insights –

For many business owners, their business is one of the most valuable and important things they own. When it is time to sit down and create an estate plan, it is critical that business owners plan for their business just as they would plan for their home or finances. Effective...

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“To create a public scandal is what’s wicked” French Author Moliere, Tartuffe (1664)   Forty-five years ago this week, Saturday, June 17, 1972, to be exact, was the beginning of one of the greatest American political scandals until now: the bungled burglary at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. It...

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Whether you are new to selling rental proper­ty or deal exclusively in rental property, this article offers two examples of state and local laws that apply dif­ferently to sellers depending on the number of rental units at the prop­erty. If you would like a more com­prehensive list, you’re welcome to...

Moore About the World – Correlation v. Causation Wherever geo-politics and business strategy crash into history, most of this has happened before. Adding his unique brand of wit and wisdom to his problem-fixing experience as a veteran lawyer, Terry Moore mines the past to find straight answers to complicated questions....