Thought Leadership

– Legal Insights –

For many business owners, their business is one of the most valuable and important things they own. When it is time to sit down and create an estate plan, it is critical that business owners plan for their business just as they would plan for their home or finances. Effective...

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Moore About the World – Alternative Facts are Not Facts – The Modern Change in Public Discourse Wherever geo-politics and business strategy crash into history, most of this has happened before. Adding his unique brand of wit and wisdom to his problem-fixing experience as a veteran lawyer, Terry Moore mines...

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There are many moving parts involved in the sale of a condominium, townhome or cooperative share. Is the unit staged to get the best possible price? Is the home priced right? What do sellers need to tell buyers about the homeowner’s association? Some sellers are confused about what they need...

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Without encouragement from trusted advisors or loved ones, few seniors will take the time to arrange for someone else to handle their financial issues when they can no longer fully care for themselves. It’s an easy decision to put off, because it’s emotionally stressful for them to consider losing their...

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Are you looking to learn more about Special Needs Trusts & ABLE Accounts? Read more about these items below!   Special Needs Trusts This is a form of a Supplemental Needs Trust which is established by a disabled individual for assets or benefits they have received while on public assistance....

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There has been a flurry of activity since January 20, 2017, regarding immigration control in the United States. Most of the focus has been on building a wall on the Mexican border. However, other initiatives from the federal government will impact employers and businesses more directly. President Trump signed an...