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– Legal Insights –

For many business owners, their business is one of the most valuable and important things they own. When it is time to sit down and create an estate plan, it is critical that business owners plan for their business just as they would plan for their home or finances. Effective...

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Know Your Options Short-term or long-term disability coverage? Employer’s employment policies regarding disability leave Disability retirement? What happens with other benefits – health, 401 (k), life insurance Family Medical Leave Act coverage   What Support Do You Have? Review medical records for accuracy and detail Discuss disability with physician Need...

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Many analysts celebrated Main Street and the “little guy” as community banks across the country outperformed the rest of the banking industry at year-end 2014. According to the FDIC’s Quarterly Banking Profile report for the fourth quarter of 2014, the banking industry saw a robust performance by community banks. Community...

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With the recent flood of mergers and acquisitions in the banking industry and the ever present movement of bankers from one bank to the next, non-compete agreements are being used more now than ever before. However, despite their wide spread use, many bankers do not have a clear idea whether...

Many community associations struggle with how much money to reserve for the future replacement of components. An association establishes an annual budget using the estimated expenses required to operate over the coming year. If the association is responsible to replace a component, e.g., roofs, siding, etc., then a replacement reserve...

In our previous newsletter, discussion was had about a number of points to consider when completing repairs of issues that may arise. As winter turns into spring (hopefully!) it can often lead to other issues arising, including water leaks, ice dams, etc. It is important to consider the items listed...

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From time to time, I hear members of an association referred to as “tenants,” and hear of members’ requests to an association to fix an appliance or clean a carpet in their homes. Often, such statements are made by owners new to an association—often those coming from apartment-style living. Those...

Businesses in the construction industry have historically relied heavily upon independent contractors to perform work. While it is sometimes clear that a party is a true subcontractor, such has hiring ABC Plumbing, Inc. or 123 Electric, LLC, it is equally as common to misclassify laborers who are legally employees as...